Early this December a porn video distributed publicly from cellphone to cellphone, from email to email. It has been becoming juicy news to this day in Indonesia, not only because of its vulgarity but also because one of the two actors in the video is a paliament member from the biggest party in Indonesia. This proofs that morality of Indonesian, particularly its politicans are deeply decreasing. It is seems that morality is no more considered as the top list of their concern.
There is indication of this analysis. The politicians' comments are not focusing on YZ sexual missconduct but instead focusing on political motive behind the distribution of the video. A politician said: "I am sure a powerful guy is orchestrated this publication. If there is no backing I don't think that she will came out bravely to show her sexual affair. Today YZ is victimized, may be tommorow will be me or you who knows". It is so sad to hear the statement. By saying so this politician indirectly say that most of Indonesian politicians are indeed have lack of morality. Thus the problem is not laying on YZ's lack of morality but because his political competitor is trying to sabotage his political carrier.
If most of politicans in the parliaments indeed have misconduct habit like YZ then surely we will understand if our country is going nowhere. How can the politicians will lead us to develop a better society if they them selves have immoral behaviour?
It is true that in daily politics, sex, money, and power are interrelated each other. People deeply aware that sex may be used as a tool to reach money and power. The history even take notes that so many important historical events were taking in place by involving sex. There were long line evidences show that powerful men would be easily surrender under the feet of beautiful women. Cleopatra knew well how to use her power of beauty to influence the powerful Julius Cesar for the interest of her people in Egipt. We do also still remember how Bill Clinton's was pressured by impeachment trial when his sexual affair raised in public.
It is true that in highly political arena, women are frequently used to trap their competitor. Yet they will not been catch into the trap if they were clear, did not have misconduct behavior.
If we do democratic mechanism to select our representative, I will not really care with YZ or other politicians misconduct behavior. By discovering their corruption, infidelity, love affairs, and so on surely the public will not elect them in the next election. People will easily judge which representatives are good enough to voice their interest. Then, problem solved!
However sadly we do not has this direct election mechanism for the house of representatives. The so called semi proportional legislative has a very complicated rules to elect a representative in the House. In an election every political parties should propose a list of candidates from their party. Only a candidate who earn a BPP (a certain number got from all voters divided into the number of seat in the district), will directly elected. Other candidates who do not reach BPP have to follow the order in the list to take the rest of the seats. A BPP usually consists of hundred thousands votes, thus for the last election there were only less than 10 people gain the votes. This mechanism give the room for bad politicians to be elected eventhough they got very few votes.
By this mechanism so many nation's affairs would be depending on political parties stand. In the case of YZ, it is really depend on Golkar's decision. If the party finally decided not to dismiss YZ from his legislature position, peole has no mechanism to punish bad people from the house. Therefore it is very urgent for Indonesian to call for a legislative direct election!